I'm still in pains,
just like rains,
either they do not shower,
or does so heavily that a minute is an hour!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008

A medium sized word with a standard numeric of 10 characters, but with a lot more hidden within than a simple standard definition. As per Oxford dictionary, the meaning of friendship is “the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person's friendship”, but when we retrospect, don’t you all think it is definitely more than a simple association. Well, the answer is yes, and we do need to realize the gravity behind this relationship, the unconditional love hidden, the unspoken emotions splurging, the rock-solid faith, the anatomy is simply inexplicable to the core!!!
I’ve had great friends in the past, the ones whom u cannot part away so easily, the ones who were always there for you when you were looking for support, the ones who stood to defend you, not just with you but ready to sacrifice before you ought to!!! And this is a story of one of those many friends I would cherish to be with worth for my lifetime, for eons, for an eternity and for every happy n sad moment in my life. This is a friend, a foe, a critic, a mentor, an adviser, a mother, a baby, a care-taker, an inspiration, a lover, a supervisor, and what not. I could go about tagging her with innumerable synonyms but for a person for whom infinity is a limited space, what purpose would those countable synonyms achieve???
Ever did anyone see the facet of friendship in more than a million ways?? Have you ever noticed someone so close to you sharing with you all that information what nobody feels easy to share with?? Have you ever felt so helpless in finding your true friend in every other human being and start comparing?? Have you ever felt the presence of your best friend always with you 24*7?? If you answer yes, then this is a person who is definitely not just your best friend, but a soul-mate for a lifetime.
Some of the most profound and enlightening moments that truly describe this friend of mine as a person with whom I never connected worldly but internally are quoted here. Please consider the same for yourself, I bet, it would make you realize someone who is so dear to you, that you feel like being nostalgic and call him/her up and talk!!! You feel so heavy from within that there’s a sudden feeling that gives an impetus to remember your friend and wish prosperity and health for the individual.-
Going for a roll/party/trip with a large group of other friends/colleagues and suddenly remembering your best friend who’s not there on the trip with you. Thinking how more enjoyable and fun loving this entire journey would have been had he/she been along!!!
I’ve had great friends in the past, the ones whom u cannot part away so easily, the ones who were always there for you when you were looking for support, the ones who stood to defend you, not just with you but ready to sacrifice before you ought to!!! And this is a story of one of those many friends I would cherish to be with worth for my lifetime, for eons, for an eternity and for every happy n sad moment in my life. This is a friend, a foe, a critic, a mentor, an adviser, a mother, a baby, a care-taker, an inspiration, a lover, a supervisor, and what not. I could go about tagging her with innumerable synonyms but for a person for whom infinity is a limited space, what purpose would those countable synonyms achieve???
Ever did anyone see the facet of friendship in more than a million ways?? Have you ever noticed someone so close to you sharing with you all that information what nobody feels easy to share with?? Have you ever felt so helpless in finding your true friend in every other human being and start comparing?? Have you ever felt the presence of your best friend always with you 24*7?? If you answer yes, then this is a person who is definitely not just your best friend, but a soul-mate for a lifetime.
Some of the most profound and enlightening moments that truly describe this friend of mine as a person with whom I never connected worldly but internally are quoted here. Please consider the same for yourself, I bet, it would make you realize someone who is so dear to you, that you feel like being nostalgic and call him/her up and talk!!! You feel so heavy from within that there’s a sudden feeling that gives an impetus to remember your friend and wish prosperity and health for the individual.-
Going for a roll/party/trip with a large group of other friends/colleagues and suddenly remembering your best friend who’s not there on the trip with you. Thinking how more enjoyable and fun loving this entire journey would have been had he/she been along!!!

Feel his/her presence in every activity you do, every game you play in your trips/tours etc. and start missing her badly. This is when there exists an invisible chord of connectivity stronger than rest and next to the belief of existence of GOD‘s connection with you.

Walking alone/appearing for an exam/test, would always make you feel the need of someone either walking with you pacing up or supporting you for all the hard-work you put in for the next big thing in your life.

Looking for your friend, searching him/her in every human being you meet, in the crowd, thinking you must be out there somewhere!!! Looking everywhere from all corners of your eye, to all corners of vision, hoping to find your friend and give him/her a pleasant surprise.

A sudden heart pumping at high pace just at the thought of seeing him/her one more time for the day/moment, knowing that you’ve already met sometime back.
Feeling blessed to have encountered your friend and got chance to be with him/her and sending in the purest form of thanks to the LORD!!!

Feeling honored to have received some task/assignment from your best friend who considers you as capable of solving/rectifying/completing it.
A feeling of expecting every phone call to be from your friend when it rings, every door bell to be of your friend when it hits, every mail to be from this soul-mate of yours when you receive an email, and every conversation going on to be about your friend even if it is not linked in most bleak manner. Such a feeling makes you express from within the blessing and love for your friend who always thought about you and showed up via different forms like phone, door-bell, mails etc.

Feeling of buying something and thinking about your friend whether he/she would also be needing/requiring this or not.
Feeling of letting he/she know the earliest when there is something bad that happens to you.
Well, there are innumerable instances one can quote to define what friendship is. I’m lucky I’ve had very good, humble, caring and trust-worthy friends in my life, but my heart would always go down for one person in my life who has always remained more than a best friend!!! I would not want to thank her but God for creating such a great human being for the betterment of this world and as a greatest person in my entire life!!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Chamakdaar Chaar
It was one of those regular hackneyed sessions that we’ve lived our entire life sitting idle (after company meetings of course)!!!And yet again, here we four were present, the same four mischievous chaps, who were always there to rather pull each other’s leg and have a blast for the evening!!! It was not a booze session but the one in which people talked only non-Sense when they weren’t supposed to. Sometimes, I wonder how insensible we are when we are in senses and how logical we are when driven away. Or that is the whole point where we are finding ourselves lost!!!
You guys decide from the real life incident described below. This was the same gang…which included me, the non-stop talker, Amandy Singh (Thapar wale), the only surviving Sardar; Love Walls, the only dude that has a name for which we crave literally, and our very old (don’t go by the looks), slow moving baniya brother named Varon G; man behind all girls’ ******** (something missing huh!!!).The evening was a regular sitting session with Rooh-Af-Za in our hands and some chieslings in the other…It all started with the same regular discussions/ debates of how frustrated, depressing life is, and wasn’t the place (read Gurgaon) proving a hell for four bachelors putting up together with no strings attached, read no girl-friends!!! But this was gonna be a night when all sorts of serious discussions got a lot more serious when the topic of Indian epics came into picture… n no exaggeration, here came in the entry of the greatest epic, Ramayana in our discussions!!! What each of us ignored was the fact that nobody was thorough with Ramayana, and nobody wanted to be tagged 'ignorant' about it. So everyone thought of chipping in information in bits n pieces, as if Confucius was here for a lecture with Robert Langdon sitting to crack some secret code and build a huge empire out of no-where. Man, booze would have been a lot appropriate drink to help us accomplish that!!! But as said, “Darr sabhiakoilagta hai”, yahan par, a more refined was “Sunane ka mann sabhi ka karta hai” :-)
But before life could roll any further and every individual can show-off the religious prowess, Love, the mota-bhai,who doesn’t drink at all except those lemon/mint breezers (that too to his heart’s content), show-cased the path for a mind-boggling new incident in Ramayana(I'm afraid if Maharishi Valmiki knew about it), and we always thought that breezer was a non-alcoholic drink until that day!!! There were immemorial times when Maharishi Valmiki wrote Ramayana and there is a time now when Rishi Love Walia wrote few anecdotes once again with few shots of breezer down the gulp.Narration as per real-life chronology:-
V. Gups (as usual in under-shorts sitting right in the middle of the lobby): Ki gall hai Amandy, aaj tussi jaldi kis tereh??
Amandy (with usual sad looks on face, as if pata nai kitno se ladkar aaya hoga UDHAM Singh): Kuch nai yaar,***** Team hai, I’m just frustrated with this city!!!
Gups saab, on hearing this, came forward with a certain sulking and a similar usual comment, “**** Dii..i know yaar!!!”I was also there through-out listening to the conversation , trying to figure out something I didn’t know.Here comes the entry of Walia sahab:-
Love:- Guys, Kapde alag kar diye hain,pani bhar diya hai, raddi bech kar aani hai (his daily musings)…
Getting frustrated with such a domestic, celibate, dull life certainly asked for shots of daaru and there was this Rooh-Af-Za (no money to go for an elite drink) this time ready with chieslings lying on the table.Once we were on with the discussion on Ramayan, Love started to roll it down our gulp, and believe me guys, it pained real hard.
The source (ofcourse Wiki) described Ravan in Ramayan like this (courtesy: Love Walia):-Guys, tumhe malum hai , sagar manthan ke time par, Ravan ne matke ke content ko na peekar, matke ko kha liya tha, jisme kuch left over Amrit bache rehne ke karan, matke ke saath who bhi uske pat mein chala gya!!!
Gupta sahab, jinhe ek shot mein chad jati hai:Kya baat kar raha hai???? Amandy, ek hor glass bana mera..sounds interesting..Please go forward Love...
Love, knowing that he has hit the right chord of mysteries out there, hand-picked his long bermuda shots to the top, ignoring the eccentric organs of body!!!
Gupta Sahab(with highest levels of curiosity):- Who matka ka peetal(read bronze) ka tha ya mitti ka??? Khaya kaise usne??Ek to hum hairan they iske sunaye hue incident par, and gupta sahab was using all his IQ curisoity to highest extent!!!
Love:- Yeh mujhe nai pata, aur important yeh nahi hai ki usne khaya kaise, important yeh hai, ki matke ne Ravan ko Amar (immortal) bane rehne ki shakti dii..
We three had our mouths open wide like dinosaurs with such an info. and we felt like totally ignorant people/dumb ass** in this world who knew nothing about such an important event that happened in Ramayana!!!
Rooh-Af-Za ke do-do shots aur lagane pade..And that was the moment of thrust for Love which gave him all the impetus to continue further.
Love (with breezer shots in succession as if enjoying seeing his competitiors lose):- Is tereh Ravan ko marne mein Ram Bhagwan ko dikkat hui..
Ma, that was one great conclusion, all tremors to world of belief, logic and rationale).
Me (standing and trying to enact Ravan during real battle when in front of Shri Ram):- Ravan must have quoted to Ram Bhagwan in following manner, with his fingers running on his tummy and dancing on foot alternately with mischievous smile, “Aa Ram, aa, maar mujhe!! Mere pet ke idhar maar, udhar maar, yahan maar, wahaan maar,ha ha ha, tu kahin bhi maar, I got full round protection throughout, a matka within me, ha ha ha!!!”
Man, we laughed our ass off for such an explanation and the guy never objected to any of it owing to the fact, it was there in wiki!!! May be, down the line, few eons down rather, people would get to hear all sorts of stories getting composed with worldly humor of highest degree to at least bring a smile on an individual’s face rather than spreading knowledge around!!! No hard feelings here for anyone with no intentions (even if coincidental!!!). All names have been dealt in a twisted manner. Great guys to spend the session or two on daily basis and have time of our lives laughing and having a roll!!! Source of inspiration to write this incident was my twin (the way he finds he humor in world is truly amazing!!!) Thanks Rahul. And luckily, we did find ourselves enjoying without booze requirement!!! Thanks guys and say no to booze!!!
You guys decide from the real life incident described below. This was the same gang…which included me, the non-stop talker, Amandy Singh (Thapar wale), the only surviving Sardar; Love Walls, the only dude that has a name for which we crave literally, and our very old (don’t go by the looks), slow moving baniya brother named Varon G; man behind all girls’ ******** (something missing huh!!!).The evening was a regular sitting session with Rooh-Af-Za in our hands and some chieslings in the other…It all started with the same regular discussions/ debates of how frustrated, depressing life is, and wasn’t the place (read Gurgaon) proving a hell for four bachelors putting up together with no strings attached, read no girl-friends!!! But this was gonna be a night when all sorts of serious discussions got a lot more serious when the topic of Indian epics came into picture… n no exaggeration, here came in the entry of the greatest epic, Ramayana in our discussions!!! What each of us ignored was the fact that nobody was thorough with Ramayana, and nobody wanted to be tagged 'ignorant' about it. So everyone thought of chipping in information in bits n pieces, as if Confucius was here for a lecture with Robert Langdon sitting to crack some secret code and build a huge empire out of no-where. Man, booze would have been a lot appropriate drink to help us accomplish that!!! But as said, “Darr sabhiakoilagta hai”, yahan par, a more refined was “Sunane ka mann sabhi ka karta hai” :-)
But before life could roll any further and every individual can show-off the religious prowess, Love, the mota-bhai,who doesn’t drink at all except those lemon/mint breezers (that too to his heart’s content), show-cased the path for a mind-boggling new incident in Ramayana(I'm afraid if Maharishi Valmiki knew about it), and we always thought that breezer was a non-alcoholic drink until that day!!! There were immemorial times when Maharishi Valmiki wrote Ramayana and there is a time now when Rishi Love Walia wrote few anecdotes once again with few shots of breezer down the gulp.Narration as per real-life chronology:-
V. Gups (as usual in under-shorts sitting right in the middle of the lobby): Ki gall hai Amandy, aaj tussi jaldi kis tereh??
Amandy (with usual sad looks on face, as if pata nai kitno se ladkar aaya hoga UDHAM Singh): Kuch nai yaar,***** Team hai, I’m just frustrated with this city!!!
Gups saab, on hearing this, came forward with a certain sulking and a similar usual comment, “**** Dii..i know yaar!!!”I was also there through-out listening to the conversation , trying to figure out something I didn’t know.Here comes the entry of Walia sahab:-
Love:- Guys, Kapde alag kar diye hain,pani bhar diya hai, raddi bech kar aani hai (his daily musings)…
Getting frustrated with such a domestic, celibate, dull life certainly asked for shots of daaru and there was this Rooh-Af-Za (no money to go for an elite drink) this time ready with chieslings lying on the table.Once we were on with the discussion on Ramayan, Love started to roll it down our gulp, and believe me guys, it pained real hard.
The source (ofcourse Wiki) described Ravan in Ramayan like this (courtesy: Love Walia):-Guys, tumhe malum hai , sagar manthan ke time par, Ravan ne matke ke content ko na peekar, matke ko kha liya tha, jisme kuch left over Amrit bache rehne ke karan, matke ke saath who bhi uske pat mein chala gya!!!
Gupta sahab, jinhe ek shot mein chad jati hai:Kya baat kar raha hai???? Amandy, ek hor glass bana mera..sounds interesting..Please go forward Love...
Love, knowing that he has hit the right chord of mysteries out there, hand-picked his long bermuda shots to the top, ignoring the eccentric organs of body!!!
Gupta Sahab(with highest levels of curiosity):- Who matka ka peetal(read bronze) ka tha ya mitti ka??? Khaya kaise usne??Ek to hum hairan they iske sunaye hue incident par, and gupta sahab was using all his IQ curisoity to highest extent!!!
Love:- Yeh mujhe nai pata, aur important yeh nahi hai ki usne khaya kaise, important yeh hai, ki matke ne Ravan ko Amar (immortal) bane rehne ki shakti dii..
We three had our mouths open wide like dinosaurs with such an info. and we felt like totally ignorant people/dumb ass** in this world who knew nothing about such an important event that happened in Ramayana!!!
Rooh-Af-Za ke do-do shots aur lagane pade..And that was the moment of thrust for Love which gave him all the impetus to continue further.
Love (with breezer shots in succession as if enjoying seeing his competitiors lose):- Is tereh Ravan ko marne mein Ram Bhagwan ko dikkat hui..
Ma, that was one great conclusion, all tremors to world of belief, logic and rationale).
Me (standing and trying to enact Ravan during real battle when in front of Shri Ram):- Ravan must have quoted to Ram Bhagwan in following manner, with his fingers running on his tummy and dancing on foot alternately with mischievous smile, “Aa Ram, aa, maar mujhe!! Mere pet ke idhar maar, udhar maar, yahan maar, wahaan maar,ha ha ha, tu kahin bhi maar, I got full round protection throughout, a matka within me, ha ha ha!!!”
Man, we laughed our ass off for such an explanation and the guy never objected to any of it owing to the fact, it was there in wiki!!! May be, down the line, few eons down rather, people would get to hear all sorts of stories getting composed with worldly humor of highest degree to at least bring a smile on an individual’s face rather than spreading knowledge around!!! No hard feelings here for anyone with no intentions (even if coincidental!!!). All names have been dealt in a twisted manner. Great guys to spend the session or two on daily basis and have time of our lives laughing and having a roll!!! Source of inspiration to write this incident was my twin (the way he finds he humor in world is truly amazing!!!) Thanks Rahul. And luckily, we did find ourselves enjoying without booze requirement!!! Thanks guys and say no to booze!!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Unexplained to the Core?

Ever wondered the presence of some un-answered, un-believable, mysterious phenomenon around you!!! Well, this world Is a mysterious place with simplest of activities being convoluted into each other. Ranging from anachronous superstitions to unexplained human behavior, from haunted places on earth to mysterious happenings, not everything in this world follows an order, a ‘defined’ order.
Each individual has a certain power that resides within either to forecast, to premonitory behave, to sense, or to rationalize a weird explanation. And I am no less. Putting it on paper just brings in a distinction of providing strength to the feelings I experience, but no deviation from what all go through in this world of Brownian Movement.
Ever tried understanding the trauma for people who can predict future, like Alex Browning in Final Destination movie series, or Sandra Bullock in Premonition?? I don’t know what tag a phenomenon like feeling the same on same day at a different place as a different individual would be given, but yes I have felt the same.
Following are few instances of something weird, something mystique things I’ve encountered in the past:-
• A sudden nostalgic feeling to search the song ‘Hiriye (by Shael)’ on Internet for downloading on the same day when my twin, residing 1000’s of kilometers away from me experienced the same. It was late in the evening he called me up asking me to download, and I was dumbstruck.. This is no mainstream song that many other individuals would be downloading that created this coincidence but a strong feeling of emotions; of hearts that connect individuals. But can science explain this phenomenon?
• A sudden prediction all of a sudden about an unknown stage show artist who had to deliver until main guest Udit Narayan at the college function arrived at the venue. Before the female artist could even give her introduction, there was something in me that predicted her name loud and clear and all my friends’ eyes kept rolling in total shock on hearing the same in her introduction speech. I had no clue where did that come from as I had never seen the artist ever before in my entire life!!!
• It was during the time when we were waiting for CAT percentile to be out shortly, precisely a day before when one of my friends called me up to know the source from where he can have a look at his results. Being brilliant at studies, he had always expected a decent score when something in me predicted his score (a very sorry figure) and it was bang exactly the same value he scored during announcements, totally an unanticipated value. It was a shock to him not allowing him to stand eligible for any college and a deplorable co-incidence for me to know before-hand what was not asked for!!!
• Another shocking incident occurred when i had carried out extensive search in my mailbox looking for a mail with the subject 'Thought for the day!!!' on one fine afternoon. It was a daily ritual(receiving mail for thought) and i was wondering that one of my very close friends' (whom i've not talked since ages) "thought" relating to me should be there in my mail box. Never did that thought occur to me in the past and never did i find any thought from this person in my mailbox. But just a day after, i could see what i had forseen the day before. There was a mail which read 'Friend is the one with whom you can dare to be yourself', totally for me by this female friend. It did give me goose-bumps and shivers down my spine. I was moved more by the true yet silent prediction of the event within me than the thought itself. any explanation??????
There are a lot many other small instances in day-to-day life that goes for me unexplained and unanswered. Does anyone amongst us have the keys to these mysteries??? Any takers??
Monday, May 5, 2008
Ek RuKa HuA FaIsLa - Movie

One of the most attention grabbing movie of its times!!!
Indeed, this flick was a copy of the original english movie --> 12 Angry Men, but even then it had all the class and enigma of an original drama with a hung jury deciding the fate of an individual convicted for murder of his own father. Directed by the great Basu Chatterji, introduced a new set of actors all graduates from National School of Drama - like K.K.Raina, Pankaj Kappor, Annu Kapoor, S.M.Zaheer. The story was quite uniquely written by Mannu Bhandari titled Mahabhoj.
This movie got released in the year 1986 and proved that how a low budgeted, a semi-parallel cinema can do wonders at the box-office. This movie was a testimonial to the endurance in acting and drama skills' capabilities of not so profound but truly talented actors.
Twelve male members of a jury gather together in an enclosed room to deliberate their decision on a charge of murder against a young man who has been accused of killing his elderly father. All of the jury, except for one, are convinced of this young man's guilt, and they would like to convince their colleague also to come to the same unanimous decision. But will they be able to convince him to change his verdict? It finally boils down to a fight between facts and prejudices, a tussle between truth and assumptions, a fight between law and humanity. One dissenting juror tries to influence the verdict with his personal prejudices and biases. And the game makes a nose-dive when towards the ending part its one indiviual who stands on the other side of the grass and want to punish the convict against 11 other who wants to set him free!!!
A must watch flick for all movie buffs and for those who appreciate the real talent in acting, drama and story-line!!!
Summary:- This movie will not just give you the best time spending in years but it would also teach you a lesson as to how to handly cases with partial knowledge, how a logical rationale can save the life of an individual against prejudices and how do you chip in a thin line between personal and professional interests..Get set guys, go ahead and watch this flick...and do honours to the Great's who dedicated themselves in making this GEM!!!
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