Ever wondered the presence of some un-answered, un-believable, mysterious phenomenon around you!!! Well, this world Is a mysterious place with simplest of activities being convoluted into each other. Ranging from anachronous superstitions to unexplained human behavior, from haunted places on earth to mysterious happenings, not everything in this world follows an order, a ‘defined’ order.
Each individual has a certain power that resides within either to forecast, to premonitory behave, to sense, or to rationalize a weird explanation. And I am no less. Putting it on paper just brings in a distinction of providing strength to the feelings I experience, but no deviation from what all go through in this world of Brownian Movement.
Ever tried understanding the trauma for people who can predict future, like Alex Browning in Final Destination movie series, or Sandra Bullock in Premonition?? I don’t know what tag a phenomenon like feeling the same on same day at a different place as a different individual would be given, but yes I have felt the same.
Following are few instances of something weird, something mystique things I’ve encountered in the past:-
• A sudden nostalgic feeling to search the song ‘Hiriye (by Shael)’ on Internet for downloading on the same day when my twin, residing 1000’s of kilometers away from me experienced the same. It was late in the evening he called me up asking me to download, and I was dumbstruck.. This is no mainstream song that many other individuals would be downloading that created this coincidence but a strong feeling of emotions; of hearts that connect individuals. But can science explain this phenomenon?
• A sudden prediction all of a sudden about an unknown stage show artist who had to deliver until main guest Udit Narayan at the college function arrived at the venue. Before the female artist could even give her introduction, there was something in me that predicted her name loud and clear and all my friends’ eyes kept rolling in total shock on hearing the same in her introduction speech. I had no clue where did that come from as I had never seen the artist ever before in my entire life!!!
• It was during the time when we were waiting for CAT percentile to be out shortly, precisely a day before when one of my friends called me up to know the source from where he can have a look at his results. Being brilliant at studies, he had always expected a decent score when something in me predicted his score (a very sorry figure) and it was bang exactly the same value he scored during announcements, totally an unanticipated value. It was a shock to him not allowing him to stand eligible for any college and a deplorable co-incidence for me to know before-hand what was not asked for!!!
• Another shocking incident occurred when i had carried out extensive search in my mailbox looking for a mail with the subject 'Thought for the day!!!' on one fine afternoon. It was a daily ritual(receiving mail for thought) and i was wondering that one of my very close friends' (whom i've not talked since ages) "thought" relating to me should be there in my mail box. Never did that thought occur to me in the past and never did i find any thought from this person in my mailbox. But just a day after, i could see what i had forseen the day before. There was a mail which read 'Friend is the one with whom you can dare to be yourself', totally for me by this female friend. It did give me goose-bumps and shivers down my spine. I was moved more by the true yet silent prediction of the event within me than the thought itself. any explanation??????
There are a lot many other small instances in day-to-day life that goes for me unexplained and unanswered. Does anyone amongst us have the keys to these mysteries??? Any takers??