Thursday, August 26, 2010

A dream and a wait...

Why do you come in my dreams, when you can’t be with me,

Why do you hug me there,

when your touch remains another cherished ‘dream’??

Why do you cry for me there when I’m supposed to leave?

But in reality, you are happy in my absence indeed!!!

Why do I see your name here & there, everywhere?

When I know it isn’t you,

Why do I wait for your ‘call’?

When I know my number isn’t important anymore to you!!!

Why do I think that you would ask for me one day?

Sigh, I can only wish to get you back, the only words I daily pray!!!

Please do come back, I’m waiting here for you,

We two can be one again, I know for sure we can DO!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010



The other day while jogging in the park, I saw two mothers with their individual kids (girls) playing around gracefully in presence of a number of playful & simple rides like seesaw (teeter-totter), ladders and revolving benches. They were comparatively young, probably friends living in a close neighborhood.
By the time I completed few rounds I could see them playing hide ‘n’ seek with kids. Later, the ride the kids were more interested in strolling to was the seesaw (teeter-totter) with two small benches pivoted to one another in the middle. Since the kids were really babyish, their mothers’ had to support them at their respective ends to avoid any falls or injuries. One peculiar thing noticed was that rather than making kids sit on the side of their respective moms, they were instead made to sit on opposite sides, with other kid’s mom. One may ask why? But this playful act explains a very simple logic. Each mother, knowing the precarious nature of the ride would want to lower her kid’s position as often as possible to a larger extent no matter to which side of the seesaw the kid is sitting, knowing the kind of control the kid has over the ride. So by making kids sit across, at other’s end, both mothers would want to lower the farther end of the swing (ride) deliberately. Unreservedly, this would raise the other mother’s kid higher alternatively, thereby resulting in more enjoyment for both kids and an equivalently good safety (supreme here when it comes to mothers) for both.
We’ve all heard about the mentality of crabs in an open tin. If any one crab want to get out of it, there’ll be others pulling it down, thereby resulting in nobody’s good. Hence, using the mother’s act example, one understands the logic behind pushing others forward rather than pulling everyone down. Only a selfless push towards growth & prosperity can result in everyone’s good. Here infact, a selfish interest in one’s resources is doing good of the others’ resources. Quite pleasant to hear that!!!
Isn’t this attitude demonstration something that needs to be well incorporated by the managers to let their fledgling brands grow, by the governments to let their population prove productive and by executives to let their corporations grow??
Hence, a food for thought…

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Small Guide to baby care....

3rd March, 2010 Time: 10:44A.M.
It was a Wednesday. And to be truly called, one of the worst days for my family. It was a prophecy waiting to happen. Mom had been saying it for months now, that watch it, it’s better you take care of it now before you don’t get even a speck of a second to regret!!! Indeed, we all were full with remorse, disgust, and consternation.
Siya, my niece, had a major accident and that too at the safest of all places, at our house. It left us totally dumbfounded and stunned for not paying heed to what my parents wanted all of us to understand. Lesson No.1: Always pay close attention to what elders at your home tell you, their advice coupled with experience is priceless and rewarding.
My niece is now 1 year, 2 months, 13 days old when the incident took place. There is no denying the fact that whatever has to happen will happen for sure, and everything happens for your own good. I, my father, my mother, my bhabhi (my brother’s wife), and my niece, Siya were at home. My mom was washing clothes in the backyard, my father was getting ready to go and pay bills, bhabhi had just gone to washroom, and I was playing with Siya. We were playing in the living room, when she unintentionally threw her meal on the floor and started wandering about in the hall. The flooring in our house is all tiles, so I thought it’ll be wiser to clean the surface before she slips and hurt self. I mobbed the surface and went in the kitchen to dump it in trash without realizing Siya to have gone by then in her room where television was kept and switched on but with bhabhi in washroom. Now, the television here is lying on a wooden trolley/ cart with wheels the bottom, making it highly precarious. My dad was near the exit gate and I was in kitchen when we heard a loud thump from the bedroom. In a flash, me and my father started running towards the room realizing it would be something with Siya, and to our utter astonishment, she was there weeping, compressed under the television on the floor. I was horrified, and my dad, quickly realizing that Siya wasn’t visible from his end, picked up the television and threw it away. I gathered all my courage and sided it further to create room for him to grab Siya and pick her up into his arms. She cried incessantly, and on hearing the loud thump, my mom rushed in, and so did my bhabhi.
Dad was furious on my carelessness, but we all were utterly shocked to see her not only crying, but her both nostrils bleeding. Except my father, nobody could keep a hold on emotions and started crying on seeing her in such a dilapidated state. My father rushed, started the car, asked bhabhi to come along to the kids’ hospital. I too couldn’t resist it and decided to go along.
Reaching at the hospital, Siya was taken care of by the diagnosis of the doctor. He observed her for long and told her that she needs to be given medicine and blood from nostrils is a good sign in such cases. He told us the following symptoms for internal injuries (kindly take note of these):
If there’s a mixture of blood and water oozing out of ears of a kid
If the child is losing consciousness again and again
If there’s vomiting
If some part(s) of the body is(are) going into an inactive state
On comprehending, we soon realized that our little angel was out of danger. But there were numerous lessons learnt from the whole episode. A golden tip: follow them in your life, and lead a life full of happiness and joy.
Lesson No.2: Post marriage, it is always wiser to live with your parents, then be a nuclear family. Kids grow effortlessly and they get all the wisdom, learning and teaching from the most experienced individuals in the family.
Lesson No.3: When your kid is above 7months and less than 2.5 years old, pay him/her all the attention. For this would not only help the child to express self, but also will take care of his/her surroundings.
Lesson No.4: Buy a tiled floor house only when you have a family of all grown ups or still have a long time to go for family planning.
Lesson No.5: Never keep anything heavy on a moving trolley/cart, for there’s always some probability of disaster waiting to happen.
Lesson No. 6: And the most important one, LOVE your children, they are the only angels living in this earthly world.
Take care, because they are worth it!!!

Decision making...


Have you ever experienced the feeling of not being able to judge as to what is wrong and what is right? Where to draw the line between the two extremes? Do they necessarily mean judging something/ someone as either black or white, or there’s a mysterious grey matter that exists between the two?
Well, I’ve seen myself dumbfounded and clueless at times judging something wrong or right. Isn’t this question highly relative in nature, because a perspective of an individual can be totally different from that of others? What may be right to you may be wrong to me, but then why don’t we decide something in terms of universal perspective. A viewpoint, as vindicated by the sufficient sample of population. But does that necessarily mean that what is right for some society should be universally right and applied to everyone. For example, consider a village of lunatics where in a traveler enters only to find himself being cursed by all for acting strangely (in the usual human manner). Now who would be called as wrongly blamed or rightly cursed???
There were times, when correctness (or lack of it) was visualized by elders in Indian homes. What the elderly people of a family would convey would be taken as the right thing for everyone, without anybody questioning it. What mattered was who is saying it, and not what is being said. Elders were the decision makers and everything was tagged ‘right’ whatever was quoted by them. But now, we see a huge shift in the way we tag things/ people/ situations. Now the priority has moved to making your own decisions and adjudging what is right and wrong. People have now started paying attention to what is being said, and not to who is quoting it!!! Isn’t that again a paradox in itself, when we have those pillars who has seen all the ups and downs in life, battling against youngsters ready to apply mind and logic with no or almost negligible experience???
Do you have any clue to decide what is wrong and what is right? Is it the moment that decides your decision variables, which ultimately define your wrong or right? Let me know if you got answers…