Monday, January 12, 2009

Life Factors

Factors of life

The various facets of life, be at experience, knowledge, learning plays an important role at various stages and that too simultaneously. Do we ever give it a thought as to how do they define the future course or the trend they follow for every individual?

Well, I’ve tried explaining them with a graph I could conceptualize which depicts how these important and implicit parameters shape us up. This may neither be the correct way to explain things nor the right version, but my experience certainly goes against the argument.

Experience: - Experience is something we inherit from the day we are born into this world. Culture is one what we learn in this social society as an institution, experience is something that keeps building as we progress (in age) with time. Certainly, it shows a balance between what we learn and what we understand, or in a more apt manner, a balance between the ‘flowing’ time and the life factors. The graph depicts it to be present at an angle of 45* with the abscissa showing an ever-lasting positive slope in life.

Knowledge: - No knowledge can be gained without learning process in place, but then, the learning process starts right from the stage an infant is born. In fact it learns various tasks in mother’s womb like calling for food, sleep needs etc. even before birth and once it enters in this mysterious external world. Hence, knowledge keeps getting assimilated at every subsequent stage, in every subsequent second of growth. The books give an implied knowledge during adolescence, the facts give a rationale-building knowledge in prime, and experience give knowledge during adulthood. However, knowledge is a process, which, initially increases at a rapid rate, but after a considerable age, begins to slow down and finally becomes constant (with almost negligible enhancement).  The slowing down occurs due to acceptance of all that is present in this world, due to unwillingness to question anymore, due to introspect and retrospect with self. And finally it remains the same during the stage of retirement, when one’s own view point becomes stronger than world’s and thicket seems to build within.

Understanding: - Understanding is one such life factor which somewhat shows an equal rising and declining trend. Yes, it grows first at a much slower rate, but with passage of time and gain of experience, it begins to pace up and starts assimilating at rapid rate. The initial slow down is due to the lag occurring because of slow comprehension. A baby learns to accept who her mother is due to knowledge, but is not able to judge what makes it do that. A toddler shows inquisitiveness on interfacing with nature, but does not meet with all the desired answers. It picks up speed due to continued presence of fast ‘knowledge’ garnering, which increases ‘understanding’. This makes a young individual, rational, logical and strong in all decisions he/she make. However, after a considerable period, the understanding begins to show a declining trend owing to a large passage of time (when various kinds of gaps begin to set in) and due to redundancy in knowledge.

Hope the above mathematical representation of life helps in clearing most of our doubts and show that the most universal language in this world is indeed mathematics!!!

Thankyou, Raghav


ra said...

yeah Raghav, seems u r correct with ur life's analysis, but, let's put it in a non technical manner..i would call Life as:

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name...

(a very famous song from FORT MINOR band--Remember The Name)

ra said...

the graph is too general, especially to support my life's factors :-)...

the experience line, in first place, was never there for me. and let's say, if there was any, it's again on the verge to touch the base axis(age) from the locus where it started...for me

Dabbu said...

bravo.. bhai... keep it up....

Anonymous said...

brilliant read.

it would take me atleast 10 re-births before i could come up with anything even half as good as this one.


Anonymous said...

nice share, good

article, very usefull for me...thank you